Max for live Device: The Loop Tempoinator
A-hah Perry the Breakapus Now I Will show you the instrument of your doom...
You can download it here:
This Max for Live device scratches an itch I have had for awhile. When using breakbeats, chop them into quarter or eighth note chunks, and re-arrange them. It is however a bit of a pain in the ass to re-pitch them when I want to change the tempo.
The Loop Tempoinator fixes this. Enter in the BPM of your loop, and it will automagickally calculate and set the pitchbend value for your loop so that it is locked to the BPM of your Live set.
It starts with a default pitch range of 5 (for use with the simpler) but that is adjustable to a pitch range of 0-24. The clip light tells you when you've gone faster (or slower) than the pitch bend range on your loop will allow.
Semitone/cent display is also provided.