Mixing Org-Brain with Org-Page
org-brain implements a variant of concept mapping in Emacs, using org-mode. It is heavily inspired by a piece of software called The Brain, and you can view an introduction to that program here. They also provide a blog with great ideas of how you can think when organizing your Brain.
So, since my website is in org-mode, what happens if I mix org-brain with my Static Site Generator?
Lets find out. This little experiment will be a literate org-file, so you can follow along too!
Basic setup
Here is the setup for it. So far pretty simple.
(use-package org-brain :ensure t :init (setq org-brain-path (expand-file-name "..")) ;; For Evil users :config (setq org-id-track-globally t) (setq org-id-locations-file (expand-file-name ".org-id-locations" "..")) (setq org-brain-visualize-default-choices 'all))
So to start with, lets try an org-brain-visualize...
PINNED: Org-Page Setup | ▽ Mixing Org-Brain with Org-Page --- Resources --------------------------------- • org-brain --- Entry ------------------------------------- So, since my website is in org-mode, what happens if I mix [[https://github.com/Kungsgeten/org-brain][org-brain]] with my Static Site Generator? Lets find out. This little experiment will be a literate org-file, so you can follow along too!
And that was surprisingly easy.
Now to start using it.
Next Steps
It would be cool if you could export the brain structures.