R/eflection E/lucidation M/editation

A set of mixes I use to help in my meditation practice.

Meditation? Really?

Yup. I've been practising meditation steadily since around 2017. I do it non-denominationally, and I have found that it is the best way to manage and defeat the brain-demons of brutal self-doubt, undiagnosed ADHD and constant attack from a variety of cognitive distortions including, but not limited to: personalization, disqualifying positives, mind reading, fortune telling, mislabeling, and catastrophising.

I use a Muse headband to meditate. It's a biofeedback device that reads your brainwaves and then plays sounds to give you an aural representation of your brain-state. Since some of the environments I find myself meditating are loud and noisy, I needed some music to drown it out. I started working on some custom mixes of tracks that I felt were just perfect to get me in the right frame of mind.

These are by nature highly personal, and what might work for me may be a complete distracting nightmare mess for other people. So here they are, hopefully they help, or at least, they're a nice 23 minute romp through some of my favourite music.


