Episode 5 - Narritave and the story of you

Serial Podcast: http://serialpodcast.org/


  • So first thursday since serial postcast came out, and there's no more serial. But hey, it's christmas!
  • this one isn't about serial, but it's about Narritave.
  • As Humans, Narritave affects all of us
  • It's easy to encode, understand, and empathise with information in narritive structure
  • Narrative might be part of what makes us human
  • Reverse GTD as encoding - Partially a playful way of saying "Dear diary…"
  • Using that form for 3 years
    • First HK journal, started as a way to quit smoking, cute character every day xMas gift
    • end of the week, Move cute characters from the "weekly" section to the "monthly
    • realized that it could be used not just for cute characters, but cool thoughts I had or significant events
    • Second one didn't have enough space on the right, not used as much, but still used
    • Less use meant monthly lookback worked better.
    • Third freeform notebook as I start to become expert in the form
    • Not enough color in it thoguh, - Amassed a colection of stickers and stickies to make it more colorful
    • Color affected me more than I realized
    • Broke convention of page-spread per week
    • Looking forward to #4
  • Each day is a chance to construct the narritave of me.
  • Each week (and month) was a chance to deconstruct and reconstruct me
  • Even each year is a chance to reconstruct, and this year I can finally play with that form
  • So…
  • One day my wife shell and I were talking about a difficult period of time for the both of us.
  • Lots of hurt in there for both of us (especially her), and we were takling about how it started
  • I had this ULTRA CLEAR MEMORY of HOW IT WAS … (so did she) and the stories dind't match up
  • So I looked back.
  • I was lying to myself.
  • Which made me realize the past is the lie the tell ourselves
  • Unconcious process as to what gets chosen, and the story we tell ourselves.
  • This journaling is a real chance to shape the lie we tell ourselves.
    • Obviously it's grounded in the "truth"
    • but if anything it's a subjective truth.
      • As a subjet, you cannot get away from your subjective nature
    • I suspect that is what the Buddha was on about,
      • 8fold path is just a way to take a break from the subjective nature of … nature.
    • Bloody moon pointers.
    • In a lot of ways my Journal is full of Shell,
    • she really is the other protagonist in my story.
    • You and me vs. the world Baby.
  • Synchronicities and how they relate to yoru story
  • Meaningful co-incidences. Nothing more, nothing less.
  • they give rise to depth to your narrative
  • don't want to go into anything beyond the fact that humans are meaning-imbueiong-into-co-incidence-machines
  • We can't help but attach meaning,
    • So there is benifit to make it work with your personal narritave
    • and make your personal narrative work with it.