Episode 6 Season 2 - Macramé Block

The Writers Brain: What Neurology Tells Us About Teaching Creative Writing: https://quitwork.club/The-Writers-Brain-Rosanne-Bane41-50_1.pdf Ze Franks FILDI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYlCVwxoL_g


  • slowly walk on frame,
  • slump in chair
  • A: "Why did i even doooo thissss"
  • B: "Show a little more contempt for your audience, asshole"
  • A: "No, it's not them, it's past-me. I hate that Jonnay, making this a weekly thing. I dunnow what to even do!"
  • B: "Right, that's why it's more important now to do it!"
  • A puts on the jacket
  • I'm Jonnay, and it's time for dealing wtih writers artists vloggers musicians macramers block.
  • We all know what writers block is, but we're not entirely aware of how it happens
  • And knowing how it happens can give us tools to help us stop it
  • so lets talk… BRRAAAIIIIINNNNNSSSSSS (zombie walk picture)
  • Brain is a set of systems, lizard, leopard, and Monkey (this is just map, not territory)
  • lizard: body functions, breathing pooping, heheheheh
  • Leopard: Emotions, Flight flight response, Decision Making
  • Monkey: Creativity, Higher thinking
  • Note how higher brain is not really involved in decision making
  • shown in scientific studies that we make decisions, and THEN justify them to ourselves
  • NOw, how does that relate to writers block
  • It's been sugested that one of the ways writers block happens is due to a change in thinking
  • from the cerebral cortex, which is like the upper command center of your brain
  • (turn around, start fiddling stuff) Initiate primary command sequence!
  • to the limbic system which is basically stress, fight and flight.
  • (Rocking back and forth under desk)
  • When this switch happens in our brains from cortex command mode to rocking back and forth mode
  • We don't see it, we don't recognize it. At least not at first. The shift is subtle
  • Recognizing the resistance is key in being able to hack your brain
  • The emotions cause the writers block
  • which then can cause further emotions of feeling blocked, stymied, not-good-enough, lack of motivation
  • Which then causes more writers block.
  • Round and round she goes! Where she stops… ah fuckit. This sucks.
  • key is, limbic system being a jerk. It's not your lack of motivaiton, it's not being burnt out, its something else.
  • what it is may not actually be important, what is important is
  • How to fix?
  • "If my FILDI is strong let me keep him in a velvet box until i really really need him. If my FILDI is weak let me feed him on oranges and not let him gorge himself on ego and arrogance."
  • Fuck It Lets Do It
  • First off, take a few minutes, and a few deep breaths, calm down that limbic system
  • use your self discipline
  • You're a writer? Write.
  • yes, you have that amazing project you're working on (and probably brain creacking) and that's cool, but if you don't feel like working on it, set it aside and write
    • A letter to a friend
    • A letter to your representative in government
    • A haiku
    • A song
    • An epic poem
    • Tori had a great idea of brainstorming words, and using that as a constraint to write a story.
    • Constraints are jsut a whole nother topic
  • Basically explore other forms but exercise those mind-muscles in writing. Who knows, you might get inspired for your Magnum Opus
  • Set aside the time and write.
  • you need the practice.
